The applications for Artists in the City are picking up steam for this year's Summer in the City Festival including a good variety of multimedia mixes according to Cassandra Kornelson, Manager of Community Programs for the Steinbach Arts Council.

"We already started our schedule for the tent because people are super eager, and they want to be part of Summer in the City. It's a really good start to the first couple of months to getting prepared for it."

The Steinbach Arts Council plays a big part of the weekend festival and host the Arts in the City tents featuring local artists from a variety of mediums.   

Applications are open until April 26, 2024, for more local artists to apply to the tent and Kornelson encourages people to apply.

"We're trying to give everyone a chance to be a part of the tent. So, whether you get a larger amount of time or smaller amount of time, regardless we want you a part of that day. We've got lots of room in the tent."

The artists tent will involve a variety of areas including artists exhibiting their work, artists demonstrating how they create and artists leading DIY sessions for people to participate.  

"Whether you're coming to instruct a mini session for children, or for adults, or for seniors, or whether you want to just come show off your talent?...Apply. Because we definitely want to have you showcase your talent in the tent.".

Applications are not limited to a certain age.  Kornelson explains, "if you have pottery skills and you're twelve, and you want to show that off, let's see what you got! It may just be part of our DIY session, but it could be from an advance instructor to someone that's just beginning or wants to learn more from people in the tent."

The main focus of the artists tent at Summer in the City is to get people involved. Kornelson says, "our main focus is to get people down there, having fun, and understanding that there is something for everybody when it comes to the arts."