While school divisions wait for details on education funding for the upcoming school year, Manitoba's education minister says the NDP government is considering the unique set of needs of challenges of each division as they finalize details of the funding model that will be used this year. 

Every January, the province announces education funding for school divisions for the upcoming school year and then divisions have until the end of March to finalize their budgets.

Enrollment is continuously climbing in both Hanover and Seine River school divisions while they both face significant financial challenges. Last year, Hanover had to cut $2.7 million from its 2023-24 budget. 

Even after reducing its budget, Hanover is forecasting an $800,000 deficit by the end of the current school year while the Seine River School Division is operating with a $1.45 million deficit. 

“After years of cuts from the former government, we are committed to being a real partner with school divisions, listening to the concerns they bring forward, and providing them with the resources they need to help Manitoba students succeed,” says Minister Nello Altomare. 

The previous government was reviewing the education funding model, and a new model was expected to be used to calculate the funding that was announced a year ago, but that did not happen. 

While Altomare did not offer any details on what funding will look like this year, he did say that the province is committed to “providing a stable and predictable funding model that will work for schools across the province.” 

School divisions can expect funding details in the coming weeks.