Jay Wildfong anticipated a regular float down the Pinawa channel with his son and some friends. He didn't expect to be spending a great deal of time looking for his prostetic leg!  But..that's what he did!  He lost his leg after trying to help his son get back on his inner tube.  After spending a great deal of time searching along with many others that floated by, he left his contact info and headed home after purchasing a pair of crutches from a local pharmacy.

Pinawa Float and Paddle put out a call about the missing leg and local Pinawa resident Geoffrey Nolette decided to go take a look.  He knows the channel really well as he spends a lot of time on the water, so he grabbed his paddle board and headed to the location he figured it might be.  After about an hour long search he saw what he thought was the leg sitting at the bottom of the channel.  It certainly would have been a surprise to anyone in the area to see Geoffrey rising up out of the water holding a leg over his head wearing a mask. Thankfully Jay had attached a piece of an orange pool noodle to his leg before the float as added measure for flotation.  The pool noodle maybe didn't float, but the colour helped it's discovery!   Success!  

Jay was very grateful that Geoffrey, a stranger, would go out of his way to help.  He now refers to Geoffrey as his guardian angel and says that we could use more people like Geoffrey in the world.  We would agree!  What a great storY