As the school year ends, Landmark Collegiate is preparing to bid farewell to its 2024 graduating class. Marlin Adrian reflects on his first year as Principal at the school, noting there were many memorable moments.

"This year has been full of firsts for me. From witnessing our student’s dedication to sports like volleyball, with early morning and evening practices, to the grade 12's desire to make this year special. They had all these ideas about some really fun activities including Spirit Week. But one of my favorite's was helping them bring back a hard cover yearbook, after a pandemic hiatus—these students have made it a truly special year."

Landmark Collegiate Principal Adrian MarlinLandmark Collegiate Principal Adrian Marlin

Principal Adrian noted that the grade 12 students had shown great leadership, taking initiative in planning school activities.

"They're just good human beings. They are mature. They're settled, with a good, healthy independence. We're not chasing them for things. They just show up. They're involved and they're also looking beyond. It's a really good group of kids."

With 26 graduates this year, Principal Adrian described the Class of 2024 as not only kind-hearted individuals but also mature and focused on their futures.

"They're engaged, responsible, and looking forward to their next steps, whether in post-secondary education, apprenticeships, or the workforce.”

Class valedictorian Callie Koop, chosen by her classmates, expresses her gratitude for the honor. "It was unexpected but exciting to be chosen as the valedictorian. Representing my peers is a big responsibility, and I hope to inspire them as we move forward."

Callie recalls her time at Landmark Collegiate in a special way, particularly cherishing the friendships she has made over the years.

"Many of us have known each other since preschool, and we've had lots of connections with the teachers around our school. They've been really great."

Looking ahead, Callie plans to attend the University of Manitoba for science courses, though she remains open to where her future studies may lead.

Callie encourages her fellow classmates with the following: “While it is important to look forward to the future and set goals. It's also important to enjoy your time, and the memories you're making, and continue to stay in the present." 

Landmark Collegiate grads of 2024Landmark Collegiate grads of 2024

While Principal Adrian shares these words with the grads.

“As you step into your opportunities don't be afraid to take risks. Pursue your opportunities, but in the process continue to be kind and look out for others, just as you've done here."

The graduation ceremony for Landmark Collegiate grads is set to take place at Prairie Rose Church on Wednesday, June 26th.