As graduation celebrations get closer St. Anne Collegiate staff and students are getting excited about the big event. For this year's class valedictorian, it's bittersweet.

Of the 69 students, Nydia Goosehead was chosen to represent the graduates. Ste Anne Collegiate valedictorians are chosen from students who have opted to write their own speech and then read it to a group of staff members. Out of that group Nydia was chosen.

Nydia tells us why she wanted to run for valedictorian. "I mostly ran for my mom. She passed away recently, and she was my biggest supporter, like school wise and I know she would have wanted me to run for valedictorian." 

Winning the honour came as a surprise to Nydia, "Honestly, I wasn't expecting it, but I'm so excited."

Nydia shares her memories of high school and grade 12. "This past year, we really came together. We started out divided because of COVID, but now we're closer than ever. I've formed connections that will last a lifetime, especially with teachers like Miss Pritchard, who's been like a second mom to me."

Nydia was on the school's volleyball team and also sat on the Seine River School Division Board of Trustees as a Student Trustee. 

Looking ahead, Nydia plans to attend the University of Manitoba taking her Bachelor of Arts in political studies. "After that I plan to pursue law, specific Human Rights law because I want to improve the CFS system for Indigenous people, because growing up in the system I noticed a lot of negatives and I just want to be part of changing it for the better."

Here are Nydia's words for her fellow classmates.

"Life is basically like an Odyssey: A long wandering or voyage, usually marked by many challenges and fortune. So, you'll experience like, really great times and not so much so like, it's important to just keep moving along. So, look for the little things and focus on the good, even though all those negatives are kind of hard to handle, sometimes it's just important to focus on the brighter paths. There's this quote that my friend told me a while back, that has really helped me through a lot of stuff. The quote is, 'it's important to remember that your happiness means more than others' disappointments.' So, it's important to put yourself first and it's also important to stay on track than follow those expectations. You've just got to focus on your happiness."

Ste Anne Collegiate Grade 12 Learning Support Teacher, Kristin PritchardSte Anne Collegiate Grade 12 Learning Support Teacher, Kristen Pritchard

Grade 12 Learning Support Teacher, Kristen Pritchard says she is proud of Nydia and the rest of the class, which though it is a smaller group than previous years, has been wonderful to get to know.

"They started off quietly, but now they're a vocal, opinionated bunch who challenge us in good ways."

Pritchard notes that the journey of the graduating class of 2024, a group she has watched grow since they nervously entered ninth grade during a pandemic.

"The year feels like it's flown by, especially compared to the past three years. This class has really come into its own. They've shown great spirit, from winning Grade Wars to enjoying quirky events like when teachers dressed as students."

Pritchard offered words of wisdom to the graduating class. 

"Remember that your learning never stops. Stay curious. Seek knowledge in your lives. Keep being passionate about what you are doing. You will encounter bumps along the way, but if you're positive and keep a positive mindset and try your best, good things will come to you. Surround yourself with like-minded people that support you and stay true to yourselves. Know your values and your principals and make decisions that align with who you are and what you believe in. Enjoy your journey. It's been a privilege to be a part of your lives for the past four years and I wish you all the best as you transition into this new chapter in your lives."  

Ste Anne Collegiate graduation ceremony will take place next Wednesday, June 26, at the Transcona Golf and Country Club after which the dinner and dance take place at the TransCanada Centre in Ile des Chenes.