Local youth are doing some great things to support charitable organizations, and members of The Chrysalis Fund are taking note. 

Debbie Krahn says members have appreciated stories on Steinbach Online that highlight some of the fundraising events that are spearheaded by young people. 

“We keep hearing about what youth are doing and we feel it is important that we raise and awareness of this fact for two different reasons. One, we think it's important for us to have a counter narrative to the hard things that we're hearing about in the news these days. We all enjoy and benefit from a good news story. So, a youth award is something great for us to focus on. But then secondly, we also feel like if we raise awareness of the good things that youth are doing, it may actually also be a catalyst to others, to be copycats. You know, we hear about copycat crime so, I would hope that when you hear about positive activities that youth are involved with, maybe it'll stimulate copycat charity.” 

The Chrysalis Fund is starting a Youth Giving Back program to encourage young people in their efforts. Applicants need to be between the ages of 12 and 18. 

The award winner will get to grant $500 from the Chrysalis Fund to a charity of their choice. 

“There's a bit of an element of being modest and not talking too much about your good works in our community, which is a good value, you know, nobody likes people who are bragging. But at the same time, telling people about some of these good stories, I think as an opportunity to encourage not only the youth but also the adults who are listening to these stories.” 

Youth can apply on the Chrysalis Fund website. 

The Steinbach Chrysalis Fund is a giving circle that operates through the Steinbach Community Foundation. 

Charlene Kroeker, Debbie Krahn, Deb Rempel with a new microwave.Debbie Krahn, Charlene Kroeker (Steinbach Community Outreach), and Deb Rempel with one of the microwaves in The Bridge, supported by the Steinbach Chrysalis Fund. (Photo submitted)

It started in 2009 with 11 members who each contributed $1000 to start the fund. Since then, a total of 81 women joined the group and $92,000 has been granted to local charities that support children, youth and families. 

  • Steinbach Christian Preschool - project: Fence around a playground 
  • SAC - 2023 Grant for Multigenerational Multicultural workshops 
  • Steinbach Family Resource Centre: past projects - large fridge, outdoor play area, shade canopy for play area 
  • Steinbach Community Outreach - Past projects: Hygiene Hampers - 2023 Grant - Microwaves for The Bridge. 

-With files from Carly Koop.