Steinbach Community Outreach was surprised this week with a $4,050 donation from Starbucks and a $7,500 donation from the Southeast Truck Show. 

“It was an awesome couple of days,” says Executive Director Irene Kroeker. 

Although they were anticipating a donation from the truck show, they had no idea how much would come in. 

Meanwhile, she says the donation from Starbucks was completely unexpected and Kroeker is so thankful for all of this support. 

Starbucks donation presentation at Steinbach Community Outreach.Steinbach Community Outreach receives $4,050 through the Starbucks Neighbourhood Community Grant. (Photo Credit:

“We always struggle with affordable housing here in Steinbach. Always. Even though we do have The Bridge now, it’s full, and then what do you do? So, the people that are on the streets are not able to find a place to live. We do know that we have to give that deposit immediately if there’s an opening and the landlord is willing to take them in. So that’s where some of this money will go; to make sure that we secure housing for the people that really need it.” 

Kroeker notes there are now 766 people who use programs through Steinbach Community Outreach. 

She says that’s a huge increase from 2019 when they were supporting 200 people.