Steinbach Community Outreach will need to find a new home for their drop-in.  

Executive Director Irene Kroeker says for many years they have been located at 345 Loewen Boulevard, formerly Steinbach Mennonite Church but that will have to change. 

“Our church, the church that I also attend, we have gone over to a different building and now Crossview is renting this building. We are able to stay  here for another five years, and we are very grateful for that, of course. We enjoy it here so much, I really hate the thought of having to move, but we do have to move, things change.” 

They still have five years, but Kroeker says the search for a new space has already begun and it will be a big part of their strategic planning going forward. 

In the meantime, Kroeker says they need to remain focused on serving their patrons at the Steinbach Community Outreach drop-in centre. With a significant spike in numbers this past year, she notes this is no easy task. 

“All our new guests that we see coming in, we're looking forward to having them and to working with them as well. We're looking forward to the government creating new programs that we can access so that we can get more help for our clients. The challenge is 'will we have enough to help all of our people eat and help keep them warm?' That is always the challenge.” 

Though it isn't a Steinbach Community Outreach project, she notes the current plan for an emergency warming shelter is very exciting. She says they will work closely with the organizers if the project can go forward.

And finally, Kroeker says they are excited to spend time The Bridge affordable housing complex this year. The facility was opened in November, but Kroeker says the work has only just begun. 

“We are anticipating that we will be at The Bridge as much as we can be and will form a type of family over there so that we can connect with them and help them with their day-to-day needs if necessary, or just be there and visit. We're really looking forward to that.” 

All in all, Kroeker says they have a busy year ahead.