A Celestial Starburst Quilt caught the eye of judges at the Southeast Open Judged Exhibit at Steinbach Art Centre. 

Creator Janine Lemay-Troche says she did not expect to see a first-place ribbon attached to her quilt. 

“My husband was saying I would win first prize, and I’m like, ‘Oh no... Last year there were so many beautiful quilts like this and there’s a lot of talent out there,’ so I didn’t expect this. But I’m pleased, I’m very pleased.” 

Janine Lemay-Troche with her starburst quilt.Janine Lemay-Troche with her award-winning Celestial Starburst Quilt.

She adds that learning to make a star quilt was on her bucket list because of its connection to her aboriginal background. 

Lemay-Troche is a great, great niece of Métis leader and founder of Manitoba, Louis Riel. 

Photographer Patrick Friesen also captured a first-place ribbon for a magical image of a scene he came across while traveling in Manitoba. 

“I spent the sunrise at Pisew Falls and it had been amazing. It was just a great sunrise and I got in the car and started heading back down South. I saw a little off road to a place called Setting Lake and drove down there, and the image is captured of that morning with the sun just coming up and the fog still lingering across the lake.” 

Patrick Friesen and his photograph of a misty island.Patrick Friesen with his award-winning Misty Island photograph.

Lorna Yakiwchuk’s piece was one of the 120 submissions in the exhibit. While it did not get a ribbon, she is very pleased with her artwork. 

“I always wanted to become an artist when I was a teenager, but then my parents didn’t have the funds and I dropped it completely because I was so disappointed.” 

She only picked it up again a few years ago and enjoys learning new techniques. 

Lorna Kakiwchuk with her painting.Lorna Yakiwchuk with her entry in the Southeast Open Judged Exhibit.

The Southeast Open Judged Exhibit opening ceremony took place Friday evening. This exhibit celebrates artists of all ages and all skill levels across the region, accepting a variety of mediums including acrylic, watercolor, charcoal, pencil, photography, digital art, and more. 

To see more award-winning art, visit Steinbach Arts Council at 304 Second Street in Steinbach.