Artists of all ages, skill levels, and mediums are invited to take part in this year's Southeast Open Judged Exhibit or SOJE put on by the Steinbach Arts Council. 

Organizer Camila Funes-Giesbrecht says this exhibit is always a huge highlight at the Steinbach Arts Council. 

“I think what makes it so special is that it’s really celebrating all forms of artistic expression for every artist in the Southeast who exhibits with us during SOJE. It's open to everyone, all ages, all skill levels, it doesn't matter if you're a beginner or if you're experienced, if you're someone who would like to showcase your art, we would to have you.” 

In the past, Funes-Giebsrect says entries have included everything from pottery and sculpting, to painting, charcoal, digital art and photography. She notes historically, the Southeast Open Judged Exhibit has been very popular.  

“Honestly, we run out of hanging space in our center because that's how many people, at least last year, exhibited in SOJE. So, we had art on the walls and on tables. It was crazy and we expect the same this year.” 

Funes-Geisbrecht says the SAC also makes connections with many new artists at SOJE every year. She says sometimes people who submit works to the open judged exhibit "end up exhibiting with us in the future with their own exhibits, so that's also great for us, it helps start those conversations and partnerships with artists in the Southeast.” 

Registration for SOJE opens on March 1st and the exhibit itself runs from May 10th to 31st. Funes-Giesbrecht says this means artists still have plenty of time to prepare. 

She notes all submissions will be split into under-18 and over-18 categories and will also be separated by artform. She adds registrants can also sign up for the non-competitive portion of the exhibit if they so choose.