The Reeve for Hanover says the first 12 months in his new position have been a learning experience. 

Jim Funk was elected Reeve on October 26, 2022. He took over for Stan Toews, who held that post since 2006. 

Funk says there has certainly been a learning curve this last year, but it has not been overwhelming, noting he knew to expect more work with the position.

"As a councillor you have one ward to take care of and as a reeve you have six wards," he explains. "And with that, there certainly is more work, more meetings, more phone calls."

In fact, Funk says no matter where he goes, there are always conversations to be had with ratepayers, pertaining to their concerns, thoughts and needs. 

"That's something I don't mind at all," he says. "There have been a lot of good conversations coming out of rubbing shoulders or meeting people and so forth."

Funk says part of the learning curve is coming to the realization that no matter how hard you try there will always be situations where not everybody is happy with you. 

"That is probably one of the hardest things to see is when people are not necessarily happy with the turnout," he adds. "But sometimes the cards are just not there to satisfy both parties."

Funk says the last 12 months have seen positives in each of their communities. He points to the new daycare being planned for Kleefeld and the outdoor rink getting covered in New Bothwell. In Grunthal, Funk says it has been refreshing to see new houses being built, something that had not happened for a number of years. Other notable projects include plans to rebuild the splash pad in Blumenort and the new ice plant in Mitchell. 

Meanwhile, Funk says he really appreciates his current Council. Funk notes the six councillors include three "young men" and three "seasoned men." 

"I appreciate all," he says. "They all bring valuable ideas to the table."

Funk describes the three "young men" as aggressive and wanting to get things done yesterday. He adds the three "seasoned men" see things in a different light and probably exercise a little bit more patience. 

"I think in this case it is a positive also because we need both, we need them all," he adds.

Funk says as a Council they do not always agree on every decision, but he notes that is healthy. However, Funk says even if they do not share the same opinion, they stand united.

"A united body gets much work done and also makes my position much easier to work with," he says. 

Funk says working underneath the previous Reeve also helped prepare him for the position.

"Stan was a good role model to me," he adds.

When Funk was campaigning last year, he noted that one particular major project would be his focus. The project he is referring to is the regional wastewater treatment plant. Planning continues for the creation of that plant. 


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