The Rural Municipality of Hanover is one step closer to finalizing the debenture for the Blumenort fire hall.

Council for the RM of Hanover has given first and second reading to a series A debenture to the already approved borrowing for the Blumenort fire hall. This is interim borrowing and a series B will be produced for the remainder upon completion.

The total borrowing approved by the Municipal Board is $2.225 million. The series A will be $1.1 million, while series B is authorized up to $1.125 million.

Deputy Reeve Bernie Stahn says the debenture is based on the municipality as a whole. That means residents of Blumenort will pay no more than any other ratepayers in Hanover. A similar model was used for construction of the Grunthal fire hall.

Construction of the Blumenort fire hall is expected to be complete by the end of 2018.

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