More exciting hockey news in the southeast as Mitchell welcomes the Mustangs back to the Junior C hockey league.  

Scott Toews, Sales and Marketing for the Mitchell Mustangs says he looks forward to seeing the team make its return. 

“We’re really excited about bringing it back to the community,” he says. “We haven’t had a team in the Junior League now going on five years and there’s been a void of players from our community that are playing their junior hockey elsewhere.”  

Jason Fehr, Mitchell Mustangs President says he played in the league when the team was still called the Mohawks. 

“It was a great experience for many years, including myself and Scott, we spent all of our junior years playing in that league,” Fehr explains. “Now as the next generation, my kids and other people on the board have kids that are in that level. It’s super exciting to have this team come back and carry on the Mustang’s name.”  


Toews says that he is glad kids in the community will have a team to play for as they get older and says his 10-year-old son looks forward to carrying on the Mitchell hockey legacy. 

“Next to playing in the NHL, his dream is to play Mustangs hockey and that is super important. That was something that was driving us.” 

He says they want to have a team that is manageable for players to work and do school while enjoying a sport they love. 

“We want to be competitive. Hockey is more fun when you win, let’s be honest. At the end of the day, we’re not doing this just for that purpose. This has to be a place for our community and kids to grow and feel it’s something that is attainable.”  

Toews shares that he looks forward to the rivalry between communities, specifically Steinbach and Mitchell. 

“We can’t wait to stoke that up again, make it about the community, and make it exciting and entertaining where the fans come out again and go ‘What am I going to do in Mitchell on a Saturday night? I can go watch the junior team play again!’ And that’s what we’re striving for.” 


Fehr says that they have prospective players who have played at higher levels of hockey through their minor hockey careers. 

“Our U18 program has been pretty strong, lots of numbers coming through the last couple of years. It’s easy to attract players there,” Fehr explains. “The goal in this level is to play with your friends, so it’s going to be interesting to see how the whole roster comes together.” 

Toews says it’s great to have Mitchell hockey alumni come together to get the team back on the ice. 

 “We’re so fortunate, we’ve got an eight-person board and almost all of us have either played together at one point or coached together and it’s generational. The enthusiasm has just been phenomenal.” 

Fehr is looking forward to seeing the team in action and shares the next steps in bringing more entertainment to Mitchell. 

“Continue to build up the excitement with the players and the fan base. That’s really the goal now and then hit the ice and have fun.” 


For more information on the team, visit the Junior Mustangs website.  

Toews encourages all players who haven’t signed up to do so through their website and he also asks anyone who wants to volunteer at games to sign up as well! 

“Go Mustangs!”  

-With files from Dave Anthony