Twenty residents of Provencher will be receiving a King Charles III Coronation Medal. And, Member of Parliament Ted Falk says on Monday his office will begin accepting nominations.

The Canadian commemorative medal was created to mark the coronation of King Charles on May 6, 2023. The medal, designed by the Royal Canadian Mint, will be presented to 30,000 individuals of all ages who have made a difference in their communities. 

"It's a beautiful medal," says Falk. "And it's just in recognition of volunteer and community service."

To be eligible for this medal, a person must have made a significant contribution to the country, a province, territory, region, or community, or have made an outstanding achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada. The individual must have been alive on May 6, 2023, which is the day that King Charles was crowned. Nominations can be made posthumously as long as the nominee was alive on May 6, 2023. And the Medal may only be awarded once.

Falk says nominations in Provencher will open on July 1st. To nominate an individual, visit Ted Falk's website. Nominations will close at the end of August. 

Each riding in Canada has received 20 medals to hand out. Falk says it will be difficult to pick only 20 recipients in Provencher.

"Our community is a generous area, whether it's in finances or in volunteerism with peoples' time, with their talents," notes Falk. "There are lots of worthy people and I don't think picking 20 recipients is going to be an easy task."

Having said that, Falk notes he looks forward to seeing the nominations come in because he is excited to recognize the achievements and accomplishments of individuals throughout the constituency. 

Meanwhile, as a Member of Parliament, Falk has already received his King Charles III Coronation Medal, noting each MP in Canada received theirs from the Governor General earlier this month. 

"It's actually the first medal that I've received personally," says Falk. "And it was actually kind of exciting to have been given this recognition from the Governor General."

Falk adds with Canada being a monarchy, the coronation of the new king was a special day. 

Ted Falk wearing his medal (submitted)