Shelley Amos opened the Hanover School Board meeting Thursday evening with some inspiration for trustees as she leaves to work in a Winnipeg school division. 

Amos read some work written by Margaret Wheatley. 

“Somewhere in the last 10 years or so, I started seeing her name popping up in various educational journals and professional development sessions, or I’d hear someone speak the name. So, I started to look at her materials and she has some wonderful books written, and articles written, on humanity and how we need to be empathetic and learn from one another, how to build ourselves along the way as we do that.” 

Amos chose to read a piece titled “Willing to be Disturbed,” where Wheatley encourages people to listen with less judgement so that better relationships can be developed. 

“That particular piece I've used a couple times in the past because it keeps resonating with me, and I thought it was a nice message to send in a way to end my time in the Hanover School Division.” 

Click here to read the article by Margaret Wheatley. 

Chair Brad Unger ended the board evening by sharing his appreciation for Amos and everything she has given to Hanover, saying the Pembina Trials School Division is lucky to have her.