While families enjoyed the Manitoba Day celebrations on Saturday at the Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach, one popular attraction was the Mother’s Day activity, where children got to plant a couple of pansies into a pot to give their mom for her special day.

As Brianne Preteau’s children were busy with the soil, SteinbachOnline asked her what words of wisdom she might offer to a new mom. 

“Sometimes I feel like I still need the words of wisdom,” she says. “And honestly, any advice that I would give, it would be advice that I would give to myself, too, just to slow down and take it easy, and not worry about the small stuff so much. But I know how that’s really difficult to do in the day-to-day, for sure.” 

Her 7-year-old son Theo says there isn’t just one of two things he likes about his mom. He likes “just everything,” he says. 

Meanwhile, 6-year-old Hazel is very specific about what makes her mom so special. 

“I like my mommy because she’s pretty,” Hazel says with a smile. 

At the end of the day, the children got to take home some potted pansies to give their pretty mom for Mother’s Day, thanks to the Steinbach and Area Garden Club for putting on this special activity. 

Colleen Reimer was also at the table while her children were planting some pansies for her. 

She identifies some of her favourite times as a mom. 

“Running around and laughing and baking, going to the library and reading books, spending time outside.” 

Reimer says it’s helpful as a mom to remember to take one day at a time. 

Erika Koop was also at the museum on Saturday, helping children plant some pansies for their moms. 

As an experienced mom, she offers practical advice to make life a little easier when you have children at home. 

“Make a casserole that will last several days so (you) have leftovers. Now it’s getting challenging because I have four older children who eat a lot,” she says with a laugh. “But we still try.” 

Koop also says raising children is the “best adventure.”