Over the last few days, we've broken a number of temperature records here in the Southeast.  

According to Natalie Hasell, a meteorologist with Environment Canada, the first record fell on Sunday. 

“For the 19th of November, you did reach 10.2. The old record was set in 1980 when we reached a high of 8 in the Steinbach area.” 

Then, on Monday we reached 10.3 degrees in Steinbach beating the previous record of 9 degrees set back in 1990. 

two people walk in the trees in the sandilandsA walk in the Sandilands Sunday, November 19th. Photo credit: Rose Dyck.

Hasell says we have been in the warm part of a low-pressure system that has been sitting over Nunavut and northern Manitoba, pulling warmer air up from the south. She notes we now experiencing a cold front that is rolling through the Southeast. 

“Temperatures will even get colder later in the week, starting Wednesday night and continuing.  Not too far off normal, we're talking about a daytime high of minus 7 to minus 9 where typical temperatures at this time of year would see daytime highs around minus 4 or minus 5 degrees." 

After the warm weather we have been experiencing, Hasell says this cold front will be a bit shocking. 

“Our temperatures will be closer to normal, but normal is quite a bit colder than what we've had just the last little. People will feel that it's much colder and they are going to be very right. If we were reaching 10° and by Thursday, the high is minus 7 and by Thursday night, Friday morning the low is minus 16, yeah, it's a really big difference.”