The Steinbach Arts Council hosted a Ukrainian art instructor for some special workshops on Saturday. 

Kateryna Kryvolap was teaching Petrykivka decorative painting, a traditional Ukrainian folk painting style that has played a spiritual role in people’s lives for centuries. 

She says there are a couple of things that set this type of art apart from other styles. 

“First of all, we use a cat brush. It’s unique too, it’s made from cat fur. We use it just in Petrykivka art.” 

Kryvolap says there is a lot of symbolism in this style of art, which is another reason why it’s unique. 

“Each flower, each leaf or bird, whatever we paint, it’s a symbol of something.” 

For example, the onion flower symbolizes health and prosperity. 

Kryvolap lived in Steinbach for three years after she left Ukraine, and now calls Calgary her home. 

A woman and two children creating Ukrainian artwork.Cat fur brushes are used in Ukrainian Petrykivka art.