While car thieves in Winnipeg are busy stealing vehicles, Manitoba's opposition Tories are calling for tougher laws in dealing with the thieves.
Justice critic Kelvin Goertzen says the increase in auto thefts in Winnipeg affects all of us. He notes many people in rural Manitoba travel to Winnipeg for various reasons and the rise in auto theft increases the chances that we could also become a victim. Goertzen says this will affect the auto insurance rates across the province. He notes we'll also pay for the thefts through higher car insurance rates. Many of the vehicles stolen are new models as thieves have found a way to by-pass the factory installed immobilizers. Meantime, on a totally separate note, Goertzen says the NDP has wasted enough time in getting to the bottom of the failed Crocus Fund. The public accounts committee was joined last night by the Auditor General. Goertzen says the Government stalled the committee for two hours. He says this is disrespectful to the legislative process and leaves questions as to what the Government is trying to hide. Last night, Auditor General Carol Bellringer told the committee the report did not investigate what cabinet knew, yet the NDP says the report cleared the Government from any wrongdoing.