Incumbent councillor Larry Tetrault is seeking re-election in Ward 2 of the RM of La Broquerie. He was first elected to council in 2015 in a byelection. He was previously the municipality's chief administrative officer for 32 years and also spent five years as a CAO in the RM of Springfield. Tetrault says council has achieved a lot in recent years but adds there is more work to do.

"Building a country never stops and there are always projects. I think I still have lots to offer to the municipality with my 40 years of experience working in municipal affairs. In the last three years we've accomplished a lot and there's still lots to accomplish."

Tetrault reflects on some of the work that he has helped council to achieve in the past few years.

"I ran because I wanted to make some changes like having a better administration. I wanted the arena parking lot to be paved, that was a 40 year dream of mine and we finally did it in 2017. We have been paving some rural roads like Carriere Road and Gerard Tetrault Road in Marchand and we've improved all the streets in the Village of La Broquerie, we've expanded the lagoon, we've done lots of work in the last thee years and I want to continue that."

Tetrault says some of the things he would like to work on going forward are the improvement of leisure facilities, more upgrades of rural roads and better cell phone service.