Expansion is coming along nicely at the Tache Food Resource Centre located in Lorette. 

President Alison Fox gives us an update on the 360 square foot addition. 

“We just got the electrical permit done through Manitoba Hydro and that's been working really well. We're actually going to be starting framing, the inside framing, on Tuesday and then the doors will be going up as well. So, moving on really, really quick. We will be done by the end of July and ready for operations.” 

Fox talks about how they’ll pay for the expansion. 

“We were successful in our application to Harvest Manitoba for the capacity grant, so we did receive 15,000 from them, but we are left with a $31,000 to complete this project. So, there's always ways for the communities to support that.” 

This extra space is necessary to accommodate the growing need for food hampers. 

Of the 98 families registered with tache’s food bank, 67 of them access the centre at 1294 Dawson Road in Lorette. 

The hampers go out bi-weekly and offer a two-day supply of food. 

A large group of children hold a huge cheque for $200 in front of the Tache Food Bank."Huge shout out to Dawson Trail School on their organization and facilitation of their "community food drive" held at their "Rockin' to the Beets" event on the evening of May 29th where they collected non-perishable food items and monetary donations to help keep our shelves stocked for our food bank families! They collected $200 in monetary donations and over 288 items that filled bags and boxes full of food items that they all walked over to stop in to drop! The Tache Food Resource Centre is so very lucky to have amazing support and big hearts from our communities!" - Facebook.com/TacheFoodBank