A young boy from Steinbach smiled ear-to-ear showing off his pop-a-wheelie skills using a newly acquired FreeWheel wheel for his wheelchair.  

Zeke Hunt and his mother, Bianka, attended the Steinbach Community Foundation Grant Awards Night last Wednesday, with Zeke confidently moving himself around. 

Hunt tells us how her son was gifted the wheel.  

“We actually went in for bike fitting and then Zeke wasn't taking well to it, his hips were dislocated so he couldn't have a pedal bike.” She says the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation thought perhaps a different kind of bike would be better, instead, it was decided to see if simply adding an extra wheel to his wheelchair would work.  

"And see how it works? And it worked perfect. See how he is the happiest about that. He could keep his own wheelchair.”

Zeke Hunt showing off his FreeWheel accessory at SCF Grant Award niteZeke Hunt showing off his FreeWheel accessory at SCF Grant Award nite

Hunt says, the Foundation covered the entire cost of the wheel, “which makes it actually possible for us to have it because, I mean, other than that it would be very, very expensive.”  

She says Zeke loves his new wheel.  

“He can now partake in field trips. He can go out on the schoolyard. He can play soccer with his friends and everything like that. And when we go on rougher terrain like rocks, anything like that, it's been amazing.” 

Hunt says he can head outdoors in any weather. The almost 7-year-old says, “I love it!”

Mia Dunn is the Fund Development Officer for the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation. She notes that being able to give Zeke his FreeWheel means giving him freedom.  

“He is going to have the ability to participate in all kinds of outdoor activities, and that's what it's about, allowing these children to participate in their communities, do things like their peers, and not have to worry that they're being held back.” 

Dunn continues, “We are so grateful to the Steinbach Community Foundation. They are an amazing organization that gives back to their community, and we are so grateful that they have chosen to support our adapted equipment program. Not only last year, but this year, one more time for Zeke.” 

Dunn adds that the SCF chose to gift another local child. “It's about sensory devices, and so the other child is going to receive an iPad, which will literally give him a voice.”  

She notes that overall, it's important to note that they would not be able to provide children with adopted equipment were it not for Steinbach Community Foundation.  

"We always have a long waiting list. It's a never-ending list. So, when community members step forward to assist us, that individuals or organizations like the Steinbach Community Foundation, businesses, or anyone who would like to help children with disabilities to improve their lives, we're always happy to connect with them.”

During the Steinbach Community Foundation Grant Awards evening, Board Chair Mary Jane Hiebert handed out several grants.

Among them was $2,139 to the Children's Rehabilitation Foundation for an iPad and a FreeWheel accessory.

Aulneau Renewal Centre - Therapeutic Spaces received $5,000.

Steinbach Family Resource Centre received $6,500 for renovations creating added space for their administrative staff.

enVision Foundation received $8,118 for a new Digital Resource Lending Library.

Steinbach Arts Council received $2,768 for their Art Gallery Expansion project.

And, this year the SCF Board is also granting from the William & Agnes Lepp Family Fund, $3,036 to Steinbach Christian School for a natural playground. And from the Carmen & James Koepke Family Fund another $190 to the Steinbach Arts Council for their Art Gallery Expansion project.

Totalling, $27,751 in grants to local non-profit organizations.

As of July 1, 2024, The Steinbach Community Foundation office will be closed until July 29, 2024.

To make a gift via cheque, please make your cheque payable to The Steinbach Community Foundation Inc. and mail the cheque to 1 - 385 Loewen Blvd., Steinbach, MB  R5G 0B3.  Be sure to add the name of the fund you wish to make a gift to and also if you are making your gift in memory of someone.

To make a gift via credit card, please visit Endowmb.org, click on "Make a Gift" in the top right-hand corner of the screen, then scroll down to "The Steinbach Community Foundation Inc", then click on the gold button that says "Make an Online Gift Now", and follow the prompts.