It was a successful opening night of Culturama 2024 with a visit to Ukraine. The evening was filled with Ukrainian dancers, music, food, culture and history, and the Pat Porter Active Living Centre was packed with visitors. 

Audrey Harder, Executive Director tells us what we can expect tonight. 

“Today we're celebrating Mexico. So we're gonna have some tacos for Taco Tuesday, and we're gonna have some entertainment. It's gonna be so much fun and the best part is it's celebrating with community about community, so it's great.” 

Harder says, every evening the doors open at 5:30pm with a snack served at 6pm.  

“It's not a meal, it's a snack. And then they get to kind of watch the show and watch the presentation. So, we're really looking forward to seeing how this year goes. And again, building on it next year.”

Rita Kaumar from Eastman Immigrant Services and Carla Walker from Pat PorterRita Kaumar (left) from Eastman Immigrant Services and Carla Walker (right) from Pat Porter welcome guests on night one of Culturama 2024.

Carla Walker, Program Director at the Pat Porter talks about the rest of the week.  

“On Wednesday, we'll be celebrating the Mennonite culture, and Thursday we'll be celebrating. Filipino. And then Friday, we're ending the week with India culture. So we're really excited.” 

Walker says this week of cultures is just a small taste of Cultures in the City at Summer in the city.  

She says, they have a limited number of tickets for sale at the Pat Porter.  

“We would love to see people come get them and join us. They're $10 for an evening. Yeah, like Audrey mentioned, doors open at 5:30 and you can buy a ticket for the whole week, which is $50, and if you come for each evening, you get entered into a raffle prize as well.”

Culturama promo poster

Below find photos from Ukraine night at Culturama, Monday at the Pat Porter Active Living Center (photo credit: Pat Porter Active Living Centre)