Two choirs put on a passionate spring concert in Steinbach, sharing the songs they’ve been working on for the past few months. 

12-year-old Lexie Ontong performed a soulful solo as part of Bridge Over Troubled Waters, performed by the Steinbach Youth Chorus. 

“We’ve been waiting to perform these songs and share it with other people. I’ve made many friendships with the Steinbach Youth Chorus and that’s what makes me so excited, I’m singing with my friends.” 

Her mom Peegy Ontong says the concert was electrifying. 

“I’m just a proud mom. She grew up really shy and it was a total 180 when I started having her join the arts council.” 

No longer shy, Lexie now performs in choirs and musicals, publicly shares her skills playing the violin, and she’ll be doing some K-pop dancing this coming weekend at the Forks in Winnipeg as part of the Asian Canadian Showcase. 

The Steinbach Children’s Chorus also put on quite a show during the spring concert, sharing the music they’ve been working hard at perfecting. 

Mariella Winkler says it was so much fun to finally get on stage and sing for the community. 

And then hearing the applause, that just added to the excitement, making it almost unbearable. 

“I feel really happy, and I feel like I want to hug my dad so hard,” she says, grinning from ear to ear.

Gabriela Galo directing a choir.Gabriela Gallo, director of the Steinbach Children's Chorus and the Steinbach Youth Chorus. (Photo Credit: SAC)

Her dad, Chris Winkler, appreciates director Gabriela Gallo and all that she gives to the children. 

“At the end of the spring concerts that these two chorus’ have together, she graduates the kids that are leaving, that are now too old, and it’s a tear fest.” 

Winkler says it’s obvious that Galo has a tremendous impact on these young lives. 

The Steinbach Children’s Chorus has children in Grades 2-4 while the Steinbach Youth Chorus has children in Grades 5-8. 

(All photos courtesy of the Steinbach Arts Council)