The Steinbach Pistons made a big splash by adding one of the top forwards in the league, 20-year-old Trey Sauder in a deal with the Swan Valley Stampeders.

"I was really excited," Sauder said Sunday as he made his way to the 'Automobile City'. "Steinbach was my number one option if a trade was going to happen. It was a thrill to get that text from (Pistons Head Coach) Paul (Dyck) saying I was now a Piston. It was a great feeling."

The full trade is Steinbach acquires Trey Sauder and a 5th-round MJHL draft pick in exchange for a 3rd-round MJHL draft pick and Future Considerations.

Breaking into the MJHL in 2021-22, Sauder has put up very impressive numbers. He's played in 137 games, scoring 41 goals and adding 67 assists for 108 points to this point, which is his third MJHL season.

Leaving home and the only organization he's ever known has Sauder feeling all kinds of things. "It will be a big change. I've never really moved away from home, I think the longest I've been away was 4 weeks. I'll admit I am a little bit nervous, I don't know a ton of guys on the team, maybe just a couple, so I'm a bit nervous but I think after that first day the nerves will go away. A few of the guys have already been texting me, so I just can't wait to get going."

Sauder says his style of play should mesh well with the Pistons. "I'm not a small forward, I don't know if I'd call myself a power forward but I definitely work hard, I lay the body quite a bit and I may not get many pretty goals but I get a lot just in the paint. I'm a hardworking forward."

Coming to Steinbach, Sauder hopes he can be a piece to help keep the Turnbull Cup in Steinbach and says having the belief of the Pistons staff makes him even more motivated. "It's a great feeling. I'm sure there are a lot of players that want to come to Steinbach with them being the number one team right now. For them to view me as someone who can contribute and be a part of something special, I don't know what to say, it's just great."

Having to say goodbye to his family on Sunday morning as he ventured to his new home in the Southeast of Manitoba, Sauder says his family was filled with mixed emotions as well. "They were sad to see me go but pretty excited for me, it's a great opportunity. With it being my last year, they want to see me have a chance at a championship, so they were just as excited about this move as I was."

With the move coming Sunday, the Pistons are off until Friday so Sauder will have a week of practice before he could suit up for the first time. If he does dress on Friday, it will be against his now-former team, the Swan Valley Stampeders.

"It's kind of funny how that works," Sauder says with a laugh before recalling a fun bit of history between the two clubs. "A couple of years ago, Jackson Betcher was traded from Swan to Steinbach and his first games were against Swan. I am looking forward to playing them, I maybe wish it wasn't going to be my first ever game as a Piston, but I guess let's get it out of the way early and keep rolling from there. I'm glad I get a full week of practice."

In a move before the Sauder acquisition, Steinbach traded 20-year-old forward Kyle Kudrna to the Carleton Place Canadians in the CCHL. 

With moving Kudrna and adding Sauder, the Pistons are at the maximum allowed 20-year-olds and have a full roster of 25.

The CJHL Trade Deadline is Wednesday, January 10th.