An iconic tourist attraction is coming to La Broquerie, and that is the big red chair. 

La Broquerie Reeve Ivan Normandeau is happy to announce it should be coming fairly soon, sometime early this summer, or even this spring. 

They have not decided where they are going to put it yet, but the attraction will most likely be nearby one of their walking trails. 

Normandeau says that the cost of the chair will be paid for by the federal government.

“So all we gotta do is the upkeep, just clean up around it and take care of the surrounding it. But the upfront cost of the chair are all taken care of from the from the federal government.” 

He says this will be a great thing for bringing people into La Broquerie, as it is a wonderful tourist attraction. 

“People like to take pictures around it, kids like to go on it,” he says. “They're very popular in other areas, we're not the only small town that will have this chair. I think many other small rural areas are getting big red chairs too.”