Niverville Town Council has announced their decision on a proposed water-main project that would affect residents’ taxes while bringing homes in the core of town online with Niverville’s water-supply.  

Mayor Myron Dyck says the project has been put on hold. 

On March 1, 2024, the town held a Core Water Main open house where Niverville residents could view the proposal of installing water mains and bringing in fire hydrants where there currently are none.

At the time council noted that if the project were to go forward, it would be eligible for potential grants to cover 50% of costs. It was also noted that the project would also substantially increase the property taxes of affect ratepayers.  

The proposal also noted that the town of Niverville would only move forward with the project if there was a substantial buy-in from affected ratepayers. Residents were asked to respond by filling out a survey.  

On Tuesday, May 21, Dyck announced that because 80% of the surveys that were returned from residents living in the affected area, were against the project, council would put the project on hold until 2026.  

The mayor tells us how they made the decision. 

“Council had the opportunity to go through all the survey results, and we want to thank all the residents who took the time to fill that out. Engagement is always what we're after, and so we do appreciate the time taken, and that after Council had a chance to review it has been decided that at this time council will not proceed with the water project.” 

Dyck notes the provincial Department of Water Stewardship had awarded the town of Niverville $3,000,000 for the $6,000,000 project.  

“Which would have been equal to half of the cost to do the entire town, meaning the homes that are currently on wells. We have been in discussion with Water Stewardship, and they've been gracious and will hold on to that funding until 2026, should Council choose to revisit the plan.” 

Dyck says they received responses from just under half of the properties that are currently on wells. He says there are around 700 homeowners that could have responded but only half of them did.

“And from those homeowners with wells that did respond, 80% said no, and 20% of those that responded were in favour of the project, which left over 50% that we're not sure about.” 

Dyck adds that council had lively discussions about this topic and though they didn’t always agree, “We had a very good debate. It was respectful, it was passionate, and I think that the town of Niverville should be very thankful for the councilor's that they have. They are engaged, they are learned and knowledgeable, and have done a lot of research and have taken a lot of time to talk to a lot of people about this.” 

“And I just want to say thank you to Council for all that they have brought to this discussion. It's an important discussion, an important issue, but after all of that, Council is deciding not to go ahead with the Core Water Main project.”  

Dyck notes that as of right now, this project will not be discussed again until 2026. That said should a number of residents come forward, there would be the possibility of revisiting the policy and perhaps send a letter of request for a grant to the province.  

"Council is always open to listening to what the wishes are, the money is still there, it's hard to say no to $3-million dollars, but again these were discussions that were held around the table and at the end of the day, this is what council has decided." 

Dyck comments that there was a very good response from the population as far as what they did or did not want. "And so, council said, we're not trying to be heavy-handed or force anyone, or do anything like that. We're focused on what's the right thing to do. We're focused on doing it for as affordable as we could, if we were to go ahead and but a lot of the residents were very much against it. So that's why council made the decision they did."

When asked whether the water main project for the core streets of Niverville would be revisited, Dyck says, "Council is not looking to revisit it this year. Unless there's new information that comes to bear because of people that would wish to have it, then yes." 

The Core Water Main proposed project survey was conducted between March 1, 2024, and April 15, 2025. Niverville received valid responses from roughly 51% of affected households.