Local farmers have been dealing with on and off rainfall as they try to get seed in the ground

Mark Reimer from Reimark Farms says most of their fields are in the Highway 12 corridor between Steinbach and Ste. Anne. He guesses their fields are between 50 and 65 percent seeded. 

“Seeding's been a little difficult. I think we've only had one full day of seeding this year and we're over half done. We've been just sort of stealing the opportunities field to field. It's always too wet to start in the morning or rains us off so it's been a little difficult, but on the other hand it's been successful as well.” 

He adds “We're three quarters done corn, we're finished our canola, half the wheat is done and we haven't started soybeans yet.” 

Ideally, Reimer says they would like to have everything seeded by May Long Weekend but, obviously, that has come and gone. 

Looking around at neighbouring farms in the area, Reimer says they are all in a similar boat.  

“There's some a little behind me and some little ahead of me. In this area, it has been a little bit wetter than other parts of Manitoba. I think my friends to the west are a little ahead of me." 

Proving that point, Ron Vermette from RMV Farms about 10 miles west of St. Pierre says their seeding is between 80 and 85 percent complete. 

“We have completed all of our cereals. We're still doing our oil seed which is canola, and the corn is also complete. We are, I would say, maybe a little bit ahead of schedule, but it wouldn't take us much to get behind schedule.” 

Despite being further ahead than many operations in the Steinbach area, Vermette says conditions are quite variable. 

“It's a little bit spotty. We got thunder showers that came through last week, some places got only two are three tenths of rain and some people got an inch and a half of rain and it changes within 10 miles. So, like last year, very sporadic.” 

Both Reimer and Vermette say they would really like to see a few dry days in a row. Unfortunately, the forecast is not cooperating, with rain on Wednesday and showers all week long.