A spokesperson for the Rural Municipality of Hanover says it was disappointing to hear what happened to a truckload of recycling in Mitchell.

Chief Administrative Officer Luc Lahaie says Eastman Recycling contacted them this week to inform them of an incident that had recently happened. It appears a resident placed a jug of used oil into the blue recycling tote. Lahaie explains with the way the truck compresses the recycling, the jug burst open, creating quite a mess. In fact, it contaminated the entire load of recycling, which then had to be disposed of in other ways.

"None of the recycling that was picked up in that community that day was useable because it was coated with oil," says Lahaie.

Lahaie says it seems some residents assume the crew at Eastman Recycling will do their dirty work for them. While it may have been used oil this time, previous times they have dealt with grass clippings and leaves thrown into the recycling bin, which makes it very difficult for staff at Eastman Recycling.

"There may be one or two bad apples that are causing this issue," he points out.

Lahaie says it is important that residents educate themselves on the do's and don'ts of recycling. In September of this year, the municipality removed the community recycling bins in Mitchell due to non-recyclables being dropped off there. This included used drywall, dirty diapers and animal carcasses. He does not anticipate the curbside recycling pickup will be discontinued.

Lahaie says it is disappointing and discouraging to know that some people are abusing the service.

"Especially when we basically spoon-feed our residents with proper recycling bins," he says. "We went automated to make things easier."


Eastman Recycling Services WILL accept the following materials:

Newspapers - Including flyers and inserts.
Aluminium Containers - Including all rigid aluminium containers.
PET or #1 Plastic Containers - Including soft drink bottles, some food product and personal care product containers.
HDPE or #2 Plastic Containers - Including milk jugs, some food product and some personal care product containers.
LPDE #4 Plastic Containers and Lids - Including lids from containers normally used for margarine, yoghurt and other food products.
PP or #5 Plastic Containers - Including containers normally used for margarine, yoghurt and other food products.
#7 Plastic Containers - Including bottles sometimes used for ketchup and other condiments.
Steel Containers - Including all steel food/beverage cans.
Magazines/Catalogues - Including glossy paper publications.
Gable Top Beverage Cartons - Including milk, milk product and juice cartons.
Boxboard - Including all paperboard boxes (ie. cereal boxes, laundry detergent boxes, toy boxes, shoe boxes, etc.)
Glass - In good shape, NO BROKEN Glass
Corrugated Cardboard
Telephone Directories
Brick Style (tetra-pack)
Beverage Containers

Eastman Recycling Services WILL NOT accept the following materials:

Polystyrene Containers and Packing Materials
Plastic Film
Aluminium Foil