June started with uncertainty regarding the Grade 12 ELA final exam for students in Manitoba, but it seems to have been worked out now, allowing students to write an assessment in time for graduation. 

The Province postponed the Provincial exam out of what it says was an abundance of caution regarding identification of certain Manitobans used in the reading material for the exam.  

“We were required to follow the Province's direction to return the Grade12 ELA Standards tests to the department and their further direction to have schools provide a robust opportunity to provide a Grade 12 ELA final assessment for students in this semester,” says Leanne Peters, Assistant Superintendent for the Hanover School Division. 

She notes their administration team came together after getting direction from the Province to prepare a plan for moving forward. 

“They determined that they would use old ELA Standards Tests and administer those to their classes,” Peters says. “We are thankful to our HSD teachers for their dedication to their students and their abilities to make this change on short notice.”