Hanover School Board Chair Brad Unger says they appreciate all the work done by outgoing Superintendent and CEO Shelley Amos, whose resignation takes effect July 31st. 

Unger says her departure will leave big shoes to fill. 

“It's one thing to be on the board and to get the reports and to see a little bit, you can get a bit of a glimpse, into that role from our level. But I think for most folks, unless they hear about it, they don't even realize all the work that she puts in, the long hours. So yeah, she has made a big impact through all the time and effort and energy she's put into there. We've been very fortunate to have someone like her in that role, we appreciate her very much.” 

Amos has spent many years in the Hanover School Division. First as a teacher from 2002 to 2009. At that point, she became Vice-Principal at Woodlawn Early Years School and remained in that position until 2011 when she became Principal of that school. 

In 2018, Amos moved into the role of Assistant Superintendent. Then in 2020, she accepted the position of Superintendent-CEO of the Hanover School Division. 

One of the challenges Amos faced in her current role was guiding the division through the pandemic. 

“You get to see a person's tenacity and their ability to handle challenges in those times, right? I mean, when things are going well, you never really get a full measure of a person's character,” Unger says. 

He adds that Amos provided stability during those challenges, which was very much appreciated. 

She will continue working in the Hanover School Division until July 31st. Amos has accepted the position of Superintendent of Education and Chief Executive Officer of the Pembina Trails School Division in Winnipeg. 

With her departure only happening during the summer, Unger says it will be “business as usual” for the rest of the school year. 

However, the board will need to act quickly to get this vacancy filled before a new school year gets underway. 

“I think this is where we need to evaluate what it is that we are looking for and putting together those expectations,” Unger says. “Am I hopeful that we will find a suitable candidate? Yeah, absolutely. But I also don't want to, in any way, make light of the hard work and what Shelley has meant. Those are big shoes to fill.” 

The Hanover School Division employs around 1,200 people with about 8,700 students across 19 schools. 

Unger says it is important to find the right person who can lead a school division of this size. 

“It will definitely be a challenge to find somebody, but we also know that there are very good candidates out there. We don't know who they will all be. Maybe you can speculate and this and that, but I'm very hopeful that we're going to have very good candidates that will come forward and want to take the position.”