With an increase in community events, there’s a growing need for volunteers.  

Agape House in Steinbach has volunteer opportunities in areas like yardwork and giving haircuts and manicures for their Spa Day. 

Gianna Froese says they also need volunteers for events like the upcoming Teddy Bear Fun Day. 

“It’s a free community event that Agape House puts on,” she explains. “It’s essentially just for families to come, enjoy some time outdoors, and enjoy some fun, free activities for the kids.” 

Volunteers will be helping kids who are looking to adopt a teddy bear and helping fix teddy bears that are brought to their special clinic. 

The event will take place on June 1st at the E.A. Friesen Park in Steinbach (beside the Jake Epp Library) and will run from 10am-1pm. 

If you are interested in volunteering, you are asked to e-mail volunteer@agapehouse.ca or call their business line which can be found on the Agape House website

Hanover Ag. is also busy this time of year with many events planned over the next few months. 

“We’re always looking for volunteers,” says Brenda Levesque. “We have lots of different types of shifts for different interests. Lots of different events are coming up over the summer, so there is room, definitely, if someone is interested in volunteering.” 

You can learn more about volunteering through the Hanover Ag. website. 

The food bank in Ste. Anne is another organization that could use help in various areas. 

Long time volunteer Therese Chaput says her shifts at the food bank help fill time during retirement. 

“Some of my friends, like Claudette for instance, we live in the same complex, and we always walk together. She said, ‘Why not come and help? They need volunteers.’ I really enjoy coming here and helping, and doing what I can.” 

Chaput says there are many different tasks where people can help, and it’s a fun group of people to spend time with. 

Contact Accueil Kateri Centre to find out where you fit in at the food bank. 

The Rural Municipality of Hanover is hosting weeklong summer day camps across the municipality for ages 6-12.   

“We’re looking for people that will be able to assist the summer camps leader and participate in activities, and just to help the kids during the activities or the crafts,” says Tayleigh Giesbrecht. 

The summer day camps will be running in Mitchell from July 15-19, Kleefeld from July 22-26, Blumenort from July 29-August 2, New Bothwell from August 12-16, and Grunthal from August 19-23.  

-With files from Carly Koop.