About 75 volunteers gathered to clean up the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie during their second annual clean up day.

Spokesperson Janelle Nadeau-Wilson says, instead of a barbeque lunch, each volunteer received a $5 'La Broquerie Biz Buck' to spend at specific businesses in La Broquerie or Marchand. "So we're supporting local businesses at the same time as cleaning up the municipality."

Nadeau-Wilson notes they also organized a group to start in Marchand so they didn't have to come to La Broquerie to register, only to return to Marchand to clean up. She says it's great to see the whole community a little cleaner.

"I had some people saying, I usually go to the Steinbach one and I live in La Broquerie, which one do I go to. It doesn't matter which one you do, no matter where you're cleaning, you're doing a good job."

Wilson adds, if one mile gets cleaned up, it's a success, because it's one mile that wasn't clean before.

Read More:
La Broquerie To Start Clean Up
La Broquerie Clean Up Day Well Supported