The program director for Eastman Immigrant Services says immigration numbers in the Southeast have been very steady over the last three years.

Richard Harder says so far this year immigration numbers are slightly behind where they were this time last year and slightly ahead of where they were in 2014. He notes as of September 13th a total of 184 families immigrated to the Southeast adding up to around 600 individuals.

Harder says the Philippines is the number one country of origin for the second year in a row with 42 families settling in the Southeast this year. Germany is second with 26 families, and Paraguay is the third highest with 13 families. He notes they have also noticed a shift in where immigrant families are settling.

"I would have said historically in the immediate area around Steinbach, but as we see other cultures coming in, they are tending to stick more to Steinbach. Not everybody needs to live out of town like years ago. If we look at our largest number which is from the Philippines I would say the majority of them are settling in Steinbach."

Harder says another trend they have been noticing at Eastman Immigrant Services is an improvement in processing times.

"It is very important for newcomers when they apply for a new document that it doesn't take too long. In general, on immigration streams it is much faster. Typically we would have said to apply for a citizenship it would take a year or longer, it depends on so many dynamics, today we are experiencing between six and seven months, that is phenomenal."

Harder says as far as refugees this has been a very big year for the Southeast.

"Historically if we have one or two or three refugee families a year that was the norm, to date we have had seven so this will be record breaking in terms of refugees. It is really nice to see how our community has really been interested in that area."