Restructuring plans for the RM of La Broquerie's public works department are underway. The municipality has already hired two new employees this year that both bring specific skills to the RM. Reeve Claude Lussier says that these employees were hired with the future in mind.

"We hired a new supervisor who has 30 years of experience with roads and road construction with the municipal and provincial governments. We also hired another full time employee for the RM who will be starting April first. This new employee also has his lagoon license so he can inspect lagoons and control issues".

He adds that they are looking at their lagoon capacity and sewer system right now with plans to expand in the next few years. Noting that for big projects like these they will need a supervisor and someone with expertise.

Lussier says they have been talking about restructuring the public works department for over two years. He adds that the supervisory role within the public works department is a way of coordinating those employees with the office and administration staff.