The Member of Parliament for Provencher would like to see a national study on rural crime.

That is why Ted Falk seconded a motion by Lakeland MP Shannon Stubbs. Her motion asks the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security be instructed to undertake a study.

(Provencher MP Ted Falk)According to Falk, there is a sense among Parliamentarians that there is an increase in rural crime. A study would examine all facets so that if the perception is proved, they can determine what is influencing this increase, where it is being noticed and how this trend can be reversed. Further to that, he says they need to determine whether law enforcement agencies have adequate staffing in place to address this problem.

Falk says it is his belief that rural crime is on the rise.

"When I click on every day it seems as though there is always an incident of a crime somewhere in our riding that has happened overnight or in the last couple of days," notes Falk.

He says a lot of constituents tell him about their particular experiences, either through home invasions, theft from farms or stolen tools and equipment from construction sites.

Falk says within the next 30 sitting days, the motion will come up for vote. If it garners the necessary support, Falk anticipates the Standing Committee on Public Safety would have RCMP testify and bring in witnesses from across the country to share their experiences of being victims of rural crime.

The Provencher MP is now seeking endorsement for the motion from municipalities in Provencher. Falk says he is getting a very positive response from most municipalities.