Maurice Tallaire

A former councillor in the RM of Ritchot is running for the NDP in La Verendrye this provincial election.

Maurice Tallaire of St. Adolphe says he has always wanted to make the transition to provincial politics and now is the time. He explains, "The reason I'm in it (politics) is I'm there to serve the people. My views are, like when I started in municipal, and the same thing goes for provincial, is instead of complaining, do it yourself. Obviously I'm not going to work alone but at least I have a say in what goes on."

He adds the issues people in La Verendrye want him to address are crime, more affordable senior's housing, more small business and better Internet and cell phone service. Tallaire notes the NDP have a plan to fund 100 additional police officers including 15 in rural areas. And he promises to work hard to get more senior's housing, more businesses and better Internet and cell phone service.

Meanwhile, Tallaire has been told La Verendrye is a swing riding and says, judging by what he's hearing door-to-door, the NDP have a very good chance of winning. "I believe it's swinging more in our favour. For example, I canvassed approximately 42 homes in a known P.C. area. 5 homeowners weren't home, 5 homes were P.C. and the other 32 were New Democrats. So, unless I'm getting lied to at the door, I believe La Verendrye will be orange."