Landmark Station’s Annual Pancake Breakfast was this Saturday. 

The Taché Fire Department raised over $15,000 during the breakfast thanks to those who participated in the silent auction or donated directly. 

Taché Fire Captain, Tim Meinen says it was a busy morning. 

“We had somewhere around the neighborhood of 600-700 people out from what we can tell. We served over 150 pounds of sausage, and I lost count of how many pancakes it was.” 

He says the money raised will go toward the two projects they are working on this year. 

“We are looking at purchasing some vehicle stabilization struts for motor vehicle collisions,” says Meinen. “And the other big project is to build a live training fire facility up by our RM buildings. So we'll be looking at purchasing some containers, sea-cans, to build a prop in there, so we can get out there and feel the heat and practice to save lives.” 

He is very thankful that the community came out to support the fire department. 

“Landmark community and the Lorette community definitely got behind the fire department this weekend. It was great to see full crowds, a long lineup most of the time, and just a great community-building event.” 

Meinen also thanks the firefighters of Landmark. 

“The team really worked hard to put this together, and it was exciting to see it all come together.”

He notes it was great to see so many young kids enjoy the event. 

“The kids got to crawl up around the trucks and see all the tools, and Sparky was out there running around and just giving high fives out.” 

The kids were also able to use the hose to put out a fake house fire. 


With files from Dave Anthony