The Stonybrook Middle School will get a brand new elevator this year.

Kevin Heide is the Secretary-Treasurer for the Hanover School Division. He says this elevator project has been on their radar for a while but the Steinbach Regional Secondary School elevator upgrade came first. He notes with that project complete, they can now focus on Stonybrook Middle School.

"So we have an existing elevator that is really old, original with the building and it needs replacement. It is no longer working or repairable so the Public Schools Finance Branch has awarded us the ability to go to tender on a new elevator replacement."

Heide says they expect the Stonybrook Middle School Elevator project will be very similar to the work done at the SRSS last year.

"The SRSS elevator we did last summer came in at the $1,000,000 range so probably in that category although there are different details in each location obviously. We will put it out to tender and we are hoping to get work started in spring. The duration of the SRSS project was 24 weeks so it is probably similar, around 5 months for completion."