As expected, Steinbach set a new temperature record on Wednesday, the last day of January. 

According to Environment Canada Meteorologist Samantha Mauti, the previous record for January 31st in Steinbach was set back in 1993 at 4.5 degrees.  

Though we never did reach our forecasted high of 7 degrees, Environment Canada reports a maximum temperature of 5.6 degrees was recorded in Steinbach, a full 1.1 degrees above the previous record.  

This unseasonable January warmth is very rare. Mauti says there have only been 10 recorded instances of the temperature going above 5 degrees in Steinbach in January since 1956.  

Not only did we get daytime warmth, but nearly the entire day was above freezing. The lowest temperature recorded by Environment Canada on January 31st in Steinbach was –0.1 degrees. 

Looking forward, we can expect daytime highs in the 2- to 3-degree range until we see another spike in the forecast on Sunday. Those details can be found here