The board chair for the Seine River School Division says they are looking to come to an agreement with their EAs to avoid a strike. 

The educational assistants in the division issued a strong strike mandate last Tuesday, which could result in a picket line if a collective agreement cannot be reached. 

Board Chair Wendy Bloomfield says she can sympathize with the EAs. 

“I understand where they are coming from. It has been quite a long process and we were hoping to have this done sooner but circumstances were such that we weren't able to do that. But we have another proposal for them and so we are optimistic that we are going to be able to come to a mutual agreement.” 

Bloomfield says they will present their latest proposal at the bargaining table Wednesday evening.  

“The major sticking point, and we have recognized this to the group, is that we know we are behind money-wise with the hourly rate, and we are trying to work at that. There have been delays in getting together over the past couple of years, they have been without a contract for almost two years. We recognize that we are behind, and we want to rectify that." 

Many parents were worried by last week’s news that the EAs had voted to deliver a strong strike mandate. Bloomfield assures parents that they are working hard to resolve this issue. She adds this strong strike mandate does put pressure on the negotiations. 

“We certainly don't want to disrupt what is going on in schools and we are hoping to do our very best to make sure that we recognize the needs of the EA group but also that we recognize that they are an important group to our schools.”