Thursday's Hanover School Board meeting will be the last one for Shelley Amos as Superintendent and CEO before she moves to the Pembina Trails School Division in Winnipeg where she has accepted the position of Superintendent of Education and Chief Executive Officer.   

Amos says she has loved being with the Hanover School Division for the past 22 years. 

In 2002, she was hired as a Grade 2 teacher in Woodlawn School, where she later became the principal. 

“Being principal especially was probably one of my fondest memories,” says Amos, “working with community, working with students, working with their families, all the fun stuff in addition to the academics. So, the pancake breakfast that we did, the community gardens that we did.” 

After 16 years in Woodlawn, Amos came to work in the Hanover School Division office for the past six years. 

“And through that, we've opened Niverville High School, we have got the addition going on Mitchell Middle School, we're hoping for the addition to start in the near future on Green Valley School. Stay tuned everyone for that one.” 

The new K-4 school in Steinbach is also a great accomplishment, Amos adds. 

“When I was principal, I had my eyes set on that, being the principal of that new school when it opened. And of course I headed in a different direction, but that's been a real joy to plan that, and I can hardly wait to see what it looks like.” 

Amos says Hanover has many sports teams and drama productions to be proud of, along with increasing enrollment. 

“That brings challenges for space, but they're good challenges to have because it's a dynamic community that's growing. I’m so proud of all of that.” 

Along with the great things that happen, Amos notes there have also been challenges. 

“There's other work that's had to happen over the past five years and you just land roles when you land them, and you have to rise to the challenges. I've always tried to lead with calmness. I've always tried to hold my head high and hold the division’s head high, take the high road and we've had tough challenges and we've had our share of those. 

“And you know, despite that, try to buffer the schools and the kids so that they can continue to do the good work that's always happening in school. Always proud of our school leaders in particular, but everybody that works in Hanover School Division for providing the education and the environment that they do for students.” 

Joe Thiessen will become the new Superintendent and CEO of the Hanover School Division after spending the past 20 years as principal of Mitchell Elementary School. 

“Thankfully Joe has also worked in the school division for a long time so, he is very familiar with the people and the relationships, the schools, the communities, the programming that's happened, the challenges that have happened. He has going for him.” 

Amos says it’ll be a steep learning curve, adding that Thiessen will have a strong team to support him. 

“If you take the time to build relationships and work with people and hold your head high, again, take the high road, then you set yourself up for success.” 

As she cleans out her desk and office, Amos offers some parting thoughts. 

“Thank you to all those whose paths have crossed with mine. For the past 22 years, I've loved working in Hanover School Division. It's bittersweet to make the decision to leave. But that opportunity came when it came, and sometimes you can't pass up opportunities. So, you know, there's another chapter in the journey for me in education. 

“Public education matters. I said that in our publication that we just sent out the other day. I believe that solely inclusive education matters. School is so much more than four walls and academics. We are working with, and mentoring, and building good citizens who will do wonderful things and create wonderful things in our world down the road. So, thank you for the privilege to serve and lead in Hanover School Division. 

“Thank you to my teams, these kinds of roles, although there's one person with one title, you can't do the work without strong teams underneath you and people to lean on, and I've been blessed to have wonderful teams to work with along the way, so thank you to them.” 

Amos also expresses appreciation to all staff in the school division, noting that everyone has an important role. 

“Every employee role is valuable in the school division. Often teachers get the most props, but there are a lot of other people working behind the scenes for a well-oiled machine for success for students and so all those people matter. And I wish Hanover School Division all the best in the future. I'm still in education. So, even though I'm sort of shedding skin here, I'm going to probably look in the rearview mirror now and again to see what's happening in the Hanover School Division.”