School is out for the summer and many families are packing up to go on vacation, but for Hannah, she started her summer holidays early. 

“I just went on a road trip earlier in May with four of my friends. We drove to Banff for a week, so we did the drive in one day, so it's about 16 hours. So that was a lot of fun. And then just camping trips nearby with friends, go out for a weekend. It's just really fun, enjoyable.” 

She notes they all took turns driving to leave more time to enjoy the scenery and celebrate the end of the school year. 

“A couple of my friends graduated from university, and we wanted to do a last grad-girls trip, so just a little celebration. We did some skiing, did some hiking in the mountains, some sightseeing, it was really lovely.” 

Faith says it will be nice to spend time over the summer with friends and visiting a few farmers’ markets. 

“There’s a whole lot of variety in all the vendors. I also like that all the people are friendly.” 

While some families are planning to stay home to relax this summer, others have the next two months mapped out with a variety of activities. 

Mariah says her family will be busy camping at St. Malo and checking out a few other places. She looks forward to spending time with her family, friends and her nanny over the summer. Mariah lists the rides at the Manitoba Stampede in Morris as one of the experiences she is really looking forward to. 

“After that, we're going to camp at Blue Lake with one of my friends.” 

Sarah says her family will be busy on the farm this summer and coordinating the La Broquerie Farmers’ Market. 

“Weekends are spent doing the market. And when you love what you do, you don’t need to take a vacation from it. Our vendors are amazing, and our customers are amazing.” 

She says they’ll take some family time when the busy growing season wraps up and things slow down.