Wednesday is graduation day at École Héritage Immersion in St Pierre and its staff and teachers couldn’t be more proud.

Principal Chris Hicks says the graduating class of 2024 has been on a unique journey through high school.

"This group holds a special place as the first to experience their entire high school life under our unified school structure since the amalgamation in 2020. ICSP was the high school and École Héritage was the elementary school. So this is the first group to have their whole high school life under the new name."

He adds, "They also started high school amidst COVID-19 restrictions, attending school every other day with most classes held in the library - a true milestone."

Hicks says that despite these challenges, "They've been very active, organizing cultural events and embracing school-wide activities. We've done a lot of experiential learning. We've seen our sports teams flourish again, and our music program, having outgrown its renovated space, speaks to the students' enthusiasm."

Ecole Heritage Immersion school Principal, Chris HicksÉcole Héritage Immersion school Principal, Chris Hicks

École Héritage Immersion will have just 17 graduates this year however Principal Hicks says that their projections are for larger classes in the years to come, with strong enrollment in their grade 5 to 8 student population.  

And although the class of 2024 may be small, Hicks says they have stayed competitive. "They like challenges and they are respectful."

Principal Hicks adds they had a lot of fun with their June school fundraiser, raising $3,494 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, during their Jump Rope for Heart event. This meant that students got to duct-tape their principal to the gym wall.

Principal Hicks gets tapped to the gym wall after school's successful Heart and Stroke FundraiserPrincipal Hicks gets tapped to the gym wall after school's successful Heart and Stroke Fundraiser

Hicks is very much looking forward to handing out numerous scholarships and awards at the graduation ceremony on Wednesday.

"We're pretty lucky in our community, because we have a lot of people, a lot of local businesses and agencies and groups, who are sponsoring bursaries in scholarships, so we're grateful for that."

École Héritage Immersion class of 2024 valedictorian is Savannah Ullrich.

"I'm excited that I get to speak for my class because they're a wonderful group of people, it feels like family, almost because we're so close, especially since there's, like, only 17 of us. And I'm happy that I got the opportunity to speak for them because they're a great group of people."

Savannah says her favorite part of high school was the sense of community she felt.

"I think the community itself. Like you walk through the hallway and everybody knows you, you're kind of friends with everyone. And like, all the teachers are very supportive and it's such a tight-knit community, even though we're all different. So it's just been fun and interesting going to school."

Ecole Heritage Immersion graduating class of 2024École Héritage Immersion graduating class of 2024

Savannah offers these words of encouragement to her friends.

“Don't forget the small, important things like your dreams and dream big, and love with all of your heart. And never settle for plan B, you know, just jump in head first because, worst case scenario you fall down, and best case scenario you fly. So, you learn either way. So, just go for it." 

Acknowledging the supportive environment at École Héritage Immersion, Savannah thanks her teachers.

"My English teacher helped me express myself, while my math teacher taught me to never give up. Principal Hicks, always with a smile, was there for all of us."

Principal Hicks also shares his thoughts and best wishes to their graduating class.

"You've navigated a challenging time with resilience. And, if possible and wherever possible, surround yourself with positive people, positive influences and  that will be the blueprint for your growth."

The graduation convocation for École Héritage Immerision is taking place on Wednesday, June 26,1pm at the St. Malo Parish.