Our wet spring did not slow down progress on construction of the new bridge going up northeast of New Bothwell. That is according to a provincial spokesperson. 

On May 10th of last year, a devastating fire burned the bridge spanning the Manning Canal along Provincial Road (PR) 311, between the New Bothwell and Landmark turnoffs. The Manitoba government then spent the next several months reviewing various options for replacing the 42-year-old bridge. 

In late January, a provincial spokesperson announced that the construction contract was publicly tendered and had been awarded to Graham Construction and Engineering of Winnipeg. The total project cost for the new bridge is estimated at approximately $16 million. Though the bridge lies in Hanover, it is located along a Provincial Road and therefore the cost is covered by the province.

A provincial spokesperson says construction on the bridge began in January. Crews have now completed the substructure, or foundations, of the bridge and have begun erecting girders. 

According to the spokesperson, from July to October, crews are expected to construct the concrete deck, curbs and railings. New road approaches to the bridge are to be constructed as well. 

The targeted completion date has not changed as the bridge is expected to open to traffic in December of this year. The spokesperson says the project remains on track, even with the significant rain experienced in spring. 

PR 311 bridge construction project northeast of New Bothwell (Golden West)