Blumenort’s Steffan Reimer, who placed fifth in a time of 2:34:52 at the 19th annual Essentia Health Fargo Marathon last month, crossed the finish line in second place at the 2023 Manitoba Marathon on Father’s Day in Winnipeg.

“It feels good just to nail a marathon,” said Reimer shortly after he crossed the finish line at IG Field. “I ran four weeks back in Fargo so this was a very quick turnaround. I knew the body wasn’t 100%. If everything was feeling fresh, I knew that 2:30 was doable but conditions today and after four weeks from doing my last one, 2:32 or whatever it was, was all I could ask for. The goal today was to be top Manitoban and I got it done.”

The 34-year-old phys-ed teacher at Mitchell Elementary completed the 42.2 km race in 2:32:27 and was eight minutes and 41 seconds behind 2023 champion Roger Hopper of Chesapeake, Virginia.

“I’ve been number two for so many years in Manitoba and to finally come through and be the top Manitoban in the Manitoba Marathon feels really good. It feels good to finish strong,” noted Reimer.

The 44th Manitoba Marathon was held in 2019.

Four long years passed before for the 45th edition of the run was official.

The 2020 & 2021 races were cancelled due to COVID and the 2022 event started but was shutdown because of heat and humidity and concern for the safety of the participants.

Steffan Reimer, who was leading the marathon one year ago before executive director Rachel Munday made the difficult but correct decision to stop the race, talked about the weather conditions on Sunday.

“Honestly, I’m not going to complain, but it’s still a little warm for ideal marathon conditions but that’s Manitoba Marathon conditions. When you go the middle of June it’s going to be warm. It was good. There was enough tree shade that we can make do in the last little bit and there was a little breeze too here and there.”

And then there was the fog runners had to deal with at 7 a.m. at the starting line.

“That was a little weird,” said Reimer. “The humidity bit right away. You started running and you were drenched. That was an eerie drive in. I’m glad I made it to the start line.”

With low Manitoban out of the way, Reimer can start preparing for his next goal.

“I really want to go sub 2:30 and so that’s the bucket list. Hopefully we can knock it off.”

Dawn Neal of Winnipeg captured the Manitoba Marathon’s women’s division in 2:57:58.

Cameron Levins of Black Creek, B.C. (1:01:42) and Elissa Legault of Mascouche, Quebec (1:12:16) won the half marathons.

2023 Manitoba Marathon results