Quarry Oaks narrowly beat the Steinbach Fly-In Golf Club in the Steiner Cup tournament. 

The annual tournament, which pits members of the two clubs against each other, was held this past weekend.  

Quarry Oaks Head Golf Professional Darren Hayden says the tournament runs Saturday and Sunday with 16 points up for grabs both days. He notes Quarry held a substantial 12 to 4 lead by the end of the day on Saturday. 

“Then Sunday came along, the Fly-In guys certainly knew what they were doing on the Greens over there and they rinsed us pretty good. There were 16 points up for grabs, they got 11 of them. We got 5 and we needed 4.5 to win the cup so we squeaked it out. The overall score was Quarry Oaks 17 to Steinbach's 15, so it was a very close overall competition.” 

With match play at Quarry Oaks on Saturday and at the Fly-In on Sunday, Hayden notes both teams obviously made the most of their home-course-advantage.

For a full break-down of the tournament, click here.

Hayden says the golfers from the Fly-In can hold their heads high after nearly pulling off an incredible comeback. 

“I think everyone prefers it if it's a close race coming down to the last few matches. That's really what the friendly competition is about.” He adds “It's so much fun, I know I can speak on our members part, they look forward to it the whole year. We have a season long qualifying process, it's a lot of buildup and anticipation for the big weekend.” 

Even though the Steiner Cup is a very competitive tournament, Hayden says the rivalry is friendly. 

“We see a lot of the Fly-In guys come over and play in a couple of our skins nights and just on their own time. And our guys do the same thing there. Some people work together or have shared businesses with one another. We have a nice sit-down dinner afterwards and present the trophy and everyone's having laughs and a couple of drinks, the intensity has gone by the wayside at that point.” 

To add to the fun, Hayden says conditions were excellent.  

“We've had a great year, both golf courses were in exceptional shape, I think the guys would attest to that. It's nice to see this great fall weather continuing. When you're playing in a golf shirt without a jacket on in the middle of September, that's a plus. The Greens were amazing, the courses were in great shape, so it was a treat for the guys.” 

Hayden says they are hoping to keep Quarry Oaks open until mid-October and, at the moment, the forecast looks favourable.