A flock of wild turkeys was recently seen in the City of Steinbach, and now an otter has been spotted in the Mennonite Heritage Village pond. 

Development Coordinator Nathan Dyck says until this past weekend, there was still quite a bit of ice on the pond and the otter was seen sitting on the ice. 

“I personally have not seen the otter. I know that our groundskeeper, our facilities manager out on the grounds, he's seen it several mornings popping its head out of the water, and I know that we were sent an image of the otter right by our floating bridge out by the golf course, and so clearly we have a river otter living in our pond.” 

Dyck says the river otter can now be added to the long list of animals that visit the Mennonite Heritage Village. 

“We've had muskrats and things like that before. I know that we have quite a few turtles that are resident in our pond so in the summer, you can always keep your eyes open along the edge of the pond and you'll see turtles basking. Yeah, geese, we currently have ducks, we've got some mallards out there already and some other beautiful looking ducks, there's always interesting wildlife coming to our grounds.” 

Of course, the MHV pond is a part of Blind Creek which also runs through AD Penner Park, the Steinbach Fly-In Golf Course, underneath Highway 12 and off toward the Langill Farm Development so any otter that lives in the pond may also be spotted anywhere along the creek.

a pond with with some geeseMany geese currently call the Mennonite Heritage Village pond home