Christmas parties are coming up soon, and Operation Red Nose is there to make sure you have a safe ride home for you and your vehicle. 

Operation Red Nose runs on the backs of volunteers. 

Gina, a volunteer committee member for Operation Red Nose La Broquerie says they are currently looking for people to spend some time giving safe rides over a couple of different weekends. 

They operate every Friday and Saturday until the end of December starting November 24th, as well as New Year's Eve. 

“We got our first couple weekends filled, but we're still looking for volunteers for December 15th and 16th, the 22nd, 23rd, 29th, 30th, and of course, New Year's Eve.” 

She notes they take as many volunteers as they can get for New Year's Eve, as it’s a very busy night, and says anyone can volunteer.  

“You can come out as yourself and we'll pair you up with the team. We can do a group of friends, we can do some Co-workers. We have a lot of businesses that sign up for an entire evening and that counts as their sponsorship. We have a lot of people coming out for date nights or mother-daughters, things like that.” 

Gina volunteers with her entire extended family each year, and this year she is volunteering with her daughter. 

“As a brand new driver, it's really important to teach them that safety, and she'll be volunteering with us.” 

She has been working with Operation Red Nose ever since it first started in La Broquerie, and says they have a lot of repeat volunteers. 

“You walk around the community at this time of year and people are like, ‘Hey, I signed up for Red Nose, what day are you doing it?’ It's just really great to see.” 

Volunteers want to come back and do it again because they have a lot of fun throughout the night. 

“People actually have fun. It's nice to be out in the communities. You're going to people’s parties, small town, it's people we know. It's way more fun than I thought it would be when I originally signed up.” 

To volunteer, you can call 204-424-9555 or visit their website here. 


With files from Dave Anthony 


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