2022 was a year of real growth for Niverville and the mayor of the town says it’s evident everywhere you look. Whether it’s residential or business growth, Myron Dyck says they have been adding 300 to 400 newcomers to the town each year, for the past number of years.  

When thinking back to when the first ‘growth’ domino fell, Dyck says, “We'll need to go back to 2004 with 5th Avenue Estates being the first domino. So that started building up the population, and then from there, businesses started taking interest and now it's to the point where there have been multiple developers that have come in. Then businesses in turn are going like, “Ok, well there's now a population of employees and customers, and there's interest in more growth and yeah, it's just kind of snowballed from there.” 

Dyck continues, “Obviously, we welcome the businesses. People are certainly appreciative of not having to leave the community, you know, to travel, whether it's because of the environment or just convenience or, you know, getting into a cold car on a snowy, blustery day, so, we appreciate them for that.” 

Then speaking from the political practical side, Dyck says, “when one looks at the taxes that people pay, some say “we pay high taxes and it’s too much”. And it may be valid, but in reality, and this is pretty much right across the country, the amount of taxes that residential properties pay, actually only pays for half of the services they receive. In other words, for every dollar in municipal tax the town collects, the municipality pays $2.  So, it's our business community that is offsetting our residential development. We knew that back in 2009 when we were 87% residential to 13% business ratio. It was not financially sustainable. So with more businesses coming in, that has allowed residential development, it’s also one of the main focuses on the annexation that we're proposing for that Hwy 311 corridor.”  

Dyck notes, “it's simply that when you have people, they have a wish list. They would like to see more services, like a library, a theatre or bowling alleys, and art centers. Those kinds of things only happen when you have the dollars from the business community because taxes from residential development alone is just being sunk into water, sewer, and streets. That is not yet paying for all of the extras. So we're very grateful and having said that, I hope that the Chamber of Commerce doesn't send every homeowner a bill saying, “you owe me”, they won’t because that's part of what being in a community is.” 

Because of that Dyck says the key to keeping taxes low is for Niverville residents to shop local. “So, when local residents put their dollars into local businesses, that business can now afford to operate, they can hire the employees they need, provide the services residents want, that is the way things go, hand in hand.”  

When it comes to creating a business corridor from the possible annexation of land from the RM of Hanover Dyck says, “I can say this, the interest in business, in Niverville, used to be for maybe a few local people. However, we now have interest from people inside the province, from people inside Canada and we're getting calls from outside the country as well, all business owners who want to invest in our community, but that all requires land and so, we’re trying to sell our community and promote it, but in order to do that we need something to sell. Having said that, annexation, respectfully, as we've said all along, and I'll say it again if that land is to stay as it is, that's just the way it is and we respect that as counsel, and we acknowledge that may never happen. However, we do hope it provides the opportunity, but it is with trying to provide that opportunity that this annexation is going forward, and its main focus is the business.” 

Dyck notes the benefit will not be to council. “We don't stand to make a dime off that either way. It will be the taxes that will be taken in from that land, that will go towards the amenities that the people living here and those that may yet come will wish to see. So, it's the residents of Niverville that benefit.” 

The mayor says Niverville continues to be an attractive place to live because of all the amazing things happening in the town. 

Dyck notes the following highlights of 2022 for the town of Niverville: 

The first MJHL hockey team - Niverville Nighthawks season kicks-off 

Being able to host the Niverville Fair after a 2-year hiatus

The success of the programs being offered at the Niverville Community Resource and Recreation Centre

The major announcement for the wastewater treatment plant to be built

The annexation of land from the RM of Hanover

The election of two new town councilors in October